Fostering CCI in industrial regions
Fostering CCI in industrial regions

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1. Preparation
External expertise - yes or no?
The preparation phase consists of different steps. In the following you find recommendations on how to make the best of each step for a good and relaxed preparation phase.
- Saves time for other tasks
- Impartial view
- Different approach
- Inputs and knowledge
- Expertise the commissioning organisation cannot provide
Extra tip: Look for a visionary expert as partner, who has really something to say and is a driving force for the training

Preparing the training content
Here are tips from our “InduCCI” project, how to start when preparing the training content.
- Start from the regional context: what does staff working in regional administrations already know about CCI?
Where are the gaps? Find relevant speakers and locations to answer these questions. - Guide some interviews with regional administration before the training
- After interviewing: Make a list of needs to be answered by the training
- Make a list of goals for the training
- Try to build an analog setting
- Plan extra time in your time schedule for unforeseen things
- You might think about external support not only for organising training, but also for addressing administrative staff
- Include leisure activities
- Include games
- Create an interactive training - not only listening!
When is the ideal time for sending an invitation? What should be the content of my invitation? In which kind of language should I write the invitation? Here are some answers our “InduCCI” partners collected for you:

8-6 weeks before the planned training is recommended for sending the first invitation. Participants will be able to book their calendars. Then, make one or two reminders, for example the week before and one day before the event.
- Use email for the general invitation to the training
- You can use phone for queries if you know the administrative staff personally
- For communicating the training you can use the web application Sendinblue or Mailchimp, social media or your website
- Use the network of the invited speakers and co-hosts to spread the word
- Keep in mind, that maybe administrative staff needs permission from their supervisor
- The text should contain arguments why participation in the training makes sense for the invited organisation as whole
- In your email: inform what the plan is (key content, expected key gainings, how much time is needed, locations, organisational details)
- If you plan a virtual meeting: Send instructions to the participants how to use a digital setting
- Adapt your invitation text to the target group: what do they want to learn and know more about?
- Send personalised invitations and not only to a general office address
- Combine the content of the invitation with an attractive and eye-catching layout
- Phone people if you really want them to participate
- Stress what is in for participants personally
- Send an info that there will be photo coverage
- Set up a list of participants with all contact information
- Send new information or changes in planning as soon as possible

When preparing the training you might ask yourself how do I find participants?
And how do I get the relevant contacts? Here are some tips for inviting the people you really like to participate.
- If you have contacts from previous project activities, aks them first if they are interested or if they have someone else in mind you should invite
- Focus on decision makers, administrative people, regional and local municipalities
- Brainstorm potential attendees together in your organisation
- Ask in your organisation network
- If you don’t know someone suitable, ask colleagues or your supervisors, if they know someone
Extra tip:
Always keep your eyes open for new cooperation possibilities for your organisation!
Organisation of a CCI competency training