Fostering CCI in industrial regions
Fostering CCI in industrial regions

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CCI are more prevailing in metropolitan regions than in regions with an industrial background. One explanation is that the support services in metropolitan regions are more diverse. Nevertheless, industrial regions can also benefit in many ways from CCI as they are known as a driving force for urban and regional development.
Building a network and support system for CCI in industrial regions is therefore extremely important. One option could be a CCI competency training for administrative staff in these regions thus raising awareness of administrative staff for local CCI entrepreneurs and businesses, specific infrastructures and administrative support needed.
Such training can establish direct contacts between administration and CCI entrepreneurs from different sub sectors, promote exchange between different administrative units and open up perspectives beyond administrative routines. The CCI competency training tested as part of the "InduCCI" project aimed to strengthen the understanding of creative actors and provide new approaches for cooperation.
In the following you find tips and tricks on how to do a CCI competency training for administrative staff.
Quotes from our partners on the regional “InduCCI” CCI competency training for administrative staff:
Organisation of a CCI competency training
In the “InduCCI” project we called the CCI competency training also a learning journey. It’s a journey to regional CCI locations, CCI hot topics and a trip to common grounds with administration.
In the following you find information for organising a complete administrative staff training aka a learning journey and tips for integrating virtual tools.
Click on the buttons to the right to learn more about each step and the tools.
To give you a first overview of what a learning journey could look like, here is a sample schedule for a CCI competency training with three main phases. You can download the schedule as an inspiration for your own time plan. Combine the blocks as you like and create your own training. Here you find a proposed “InduCCI” "Guideline for Administrative Staff Training” to use for your further and detailed planning.