Fostering CCI in industrial regions
Fostering CCI in industrial regions

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- Key learnings
1. Test cases with the topic “Practical measures for establishing CCI in industrial regions and linking “new” and “old” economies”
Learnings regarding the side of industry
- Cooperation needs guidance by some trusted intermediary/facilitator for opening up /convincing of industry (eg living lab, hackathon)
- Inform industry about CCI dynamics / different thinking / value added by CCI (expect surprise)
- Peer to peer between industries is most convincing
- Involve industry actively, do not only use them as challenge donator
Learnings regarding the side of CCI
- Use the right doorways (intermediaries) to reach CCI
- Adapt timing and spacing to CCI preferences
- CCI need counselling to understand their value for industries (peer-to-peer via mentors can help)
Learning regarding settings
- Role of the facilitator is crucial as translator between the worlds of CCI and industry; consider long-term mediation between industry and CCI for developing mutual trust over time
- Everybody in the system should be open to learning (i.e. changed awareness, different thinking, …): industry, CCI, mentors, intermediaries, if applicable: beneficiaries (e.g. workers)
- It helps the cooperation to base it on real challenges (e.g. Hackathon)
- Get good reference examples out (get the ball rolling) and it will become easier
- expect to need (more) time and resources in advance, on the way and afterwards; plan accordingly
- Go to special locations for getting parties on level ground
- Bring all parties in from the start (mentors, …)
- Do it several times, not just once: 2nd go is often already on a different, more matured level than 1st go (high learning effects)
- Aim for a cooperation level that makes the facilitator obsolete in the end
Nice definition of Hackathon forwarded by one of our Austrian project partners:
“Hack events are less of a factory and more of a gym, a playground and a nightclub. It’s a gym since it builds our prototyping and risk-taking muscles, a playground since it gives us a low-risk environment to try some things that are radically new and it’s a nightclub since it allows us to dance with a lot of different people we may not have otherwise met. And who knows, we may just meet the love of our lives.”
(Rohan Gunatillake, Culture Hack Scotland)
2. Test cases with the topic “Practical measures for industrial community development and social innovation through CCI”
- The organisation of Hackathons and the challenges identified helped to get in touch and identify concrete solutions
- Follow-up as an increased attitude to cooperate and establish collaboration
- The main issue is the “trust” that is required as starting point of every collaboration, particularly in this case
- The role of the facilitator is crucial
- One translation process is needed to establish collaboration