Fostering CCI in industrial regions
Fostering CCI in industrial regions

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Name of test case:
“FYI - For Your Inspiration” - Testing formats for upscaling CCI
Where and when was the case tested?
Austria, Linz, June - October 2020
What was the test case about?
Sometimes CCI are masters in their profession but have little experience and knowledge in entrepreneurship competencies. This realisation was the starting point of the test case. The Austrian project partners saw a need for entrepreneurship training for creatives and therefore offered a ‘boot camp’ for young entrepreneurs from CCI consisting of five workshops, each focusing on one important topic of entrepreneurship. While many already existing workshops are not tailored to the specific needs of creatives, not thorough or too expensive for young entrepreneurs of the creative industries, the “Growth-hacking boot camp” fills this training gap.
The boot camp was designed as a series of five two-day workshops. Each workshop focused on a different theme with one or two experts in this field as workshop leaders.
Module 1 - Kick Off / Entrepreneurial Mindset & Skills
Module 2 - Vision & Strategy
Module 3 - Branding & Communication
Module 4 – Sales
Module 5 - Presentation & Rhetoric / Closing
The workshop series ran for half a year to give enough space from one workshop to the next one for learning, thinking, implementing what was learnt and for ideas into daily business. What's more, the participants had the time for community building. Furthermore, as entrepreneurs often run their business alone, it is difficult for them to leave work for more than two days.
To find interested participants the Austrian partners published a call for application via different social media channels and their newsletter. Afterwards all possible participants were invited to present themselves and their motivation in a pitch in front of a jury that ranked all applicants. The 12 most convincing candidates were invited to take part in the workshops. Those were accompanied by a professional photographer to take pictures for later use on their websites or social media postings. Furthermore, the Austrian partners built a bridge between a journalist and the participants, who later interviewed several of them for newspaper portraits.
Documentation of the test case our partners from Linz provided:
Each workshop was planned jointly with one research institute.
- The half-hybrid workshop Land of fibres with the Saxon Textile Research Institute where participants experimented with nonwovens. They explored the potential of current manufacturing and processing methods.
- The virtual workshop Offline Gallery offered a look behind the scenes of the Fraunhofer ENAS in which participants gained insights into processes in the institute's premises. Participants redefined them as a result of the workshop identifying points of connection by showing the cooperation approaches.
- The virtual workshop Lab of senses with the Fraunhofer IWU invited postgraduate students to design "sensory objects" with the help of machines and technology. The results show how they perceived them through artistic methods.
All participants worked together for one week in March 2021, some met afterwards to complete their work for the following exhibition in Austria in May 2021. To promote the exhibition, the Ars Electronica Centre published some interviews with the workshop leaders explaining the outcome of the cooperation.
With this format you:
- Support the CCI by extending their knowledge of business administration.
- Connect the CCI of your region with each other.
- Offer peer group tailored workshops.
- Maintain 2-4 weeks between each tool, because the development of each participant and of thoughts needs time.
- There is a strong wish of the peer learning group to connect beyond the duration of the workshop series.
- The selection of experienced, motivated, and inspiring workshop leaders who bring credibility is crucial for the success of the boot camp.
pictures: © Florian Voggeneder